pycc (Python)
pycc is the module that wraps CloudCompare’s data structures to make them available in Python.
It also define classes and functions that allows to interact with the “CloudCompare runtime” (that is, the currently running cloudcompare.exe which will use the python interpreter to run rou code).
- Runtime
- CloudCompare Data Structures & Interfaces
- Primitives
- Others
- Rgb
- Rgba
- ccScalarField
- cc2DLabel
- ccBBox
- ccSensor
- ccGBLSensor
- ccCameraSensor
- ccColorScaleElement
- ccColorScale
- ccColorScalesManager
- ccGlobalShiftManager
- ccLog
- FileIOFilter
- cc2DViewportObject
- cc2DViewportLabel
- ccViewportParameters
- ccGLCameraParameters
- ccGenericGLDisplay
- ccGLMatrix
- ccGLMatrixd
- ccIndexedTransformation
- WaveformDescriptor
- ccWaveform
- ccWaveformProxy
- ccRasterGrid
- ccNormalVectors
- plugins