As the functions and types below allow to interact with the CloudCompare app, they are only available in the python embedded within the plugin and not available when using standalone pycc module.
- pycc.GetInstance() object
This function returns an object that allows to interact with the running CC instance to get access to already loaded PointCloud and Meshes.
on command line mode, the object returned will be of type
.on gui mode, the object returned will be of type
- pycc.GetCmdLineInstance() pycc_runtime.ccCommandLineInterface
Returns the
object if the script is ran from the command line mode, otherwise returns None.
- pycc.GetGUIInstance() pycc_runtime.ccPythonInstance
Returns the
object if the script is ran from the command line mode, otherwise returns None.
- pycc.InitQApplication() None
Some functions and plugins always need to display GUI dialogs, thus they require an active QApplication. While this is not a problem when in plugin mode as CloudCompare is the QApplication, in stand alone mode it is a problem since CloudCompare is not running.
This function setups a QApplication so that dialogs can be displayed. Does nothing in plugin mode.
- class pycc.PythonPluginInterface
The base class for Python plugins.
Every plugin must inherit from this.
import pycc class MyPlugin(pycc.PythonPluginInterface): def __init__(self): super().__init__()
- getActions(self: pycc_runtime.PythonPluginInterface) std::vector<Runtime::RegisteredPlugin::Action, std::allocator<Runtime::RegisteredPlugin::Action> >
This method. must be implemented
The method shall return the list of actions the plugin can perform. Actions will get added to the context menu of the plugin.
The returned actions must be of type
- getIcon(self: pycc_runtime.PythonPluginInterface) object
It is not mandatory to implement this method.
When implemented, it shall return the icon that shall be used for the plugin sub menu.
- class pycc.Action
Represent an action of a plugin.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the action
target – method of the plugin that performs the action
icon (optional, either bytes, or tuple[bytes, str] or str default to None) –
Icon of the action. - If the type is bytes, then they shall the bytes of the icon itself. - If the types is Tuple[bytes, str], then bytes shall be the bytes of the icon
itself and str the format, e.g. (some_bytes, “PNG”)
If str then it shall be the path to a file.
- pycc.RunInThread(callable: object, *args, **kwargs) object
Runs the function in a different thread to keep the UI responsive and returns the result of the function when the thread is done.
import time def expensive_sum(a, b): time.sleep(10) return a + b # if we ran expensive_sum directly, CloudCompare would # become unresponsive for 10 seconds result = pycc.RunInThread(expensive_sum, 1, 2) assert result == 3
- class pycc.ccPythonInstance
Class to interact with the running GUI of CloudCompare.
The methods allow you to get/add objects to GUI DB Tree. Refresh/freeze/update the UI and display. Get selected objects, deselect/set selected state for entities…
- addToDB(self: pycc_runtime.ccPythonInstance, obj: object, updateZoom: bool = False, autoExpandDBTree: bool = True, checkDimensions: bool = False, autoRedraw: bool = True) None
Adds the object to the GUI DB Tree
- app(self: pycc_runtime.ccPythonInstance) pycc_runtime.ccMainAppInterface
- dbRootObject(self: pycc_runtime.ccPythonInstance) pycc.ccHObject
Returns the root of the GUI DB Tree
- disableAll(self: pycc_runtime.ccPythonInstance) None
- enableAll(self: pycc_runtime.ccPythonInstance) None
- freezeUI(self: pycc_runtime.ccPythonInstance, state: bool) None
- getActiveGLWindow(self: pycc_runtime.ccPythonInstance) pycc.ccGLWindowInterface
- getMainWindow(self: pycc_runtime.ccPythonInstance) pycc.QMainWindow
- getSelectedEntities(self: pycc_runtime.ccPythonInstance) list[pycc.ccHObject]
Returns the list of selected entities in the GUI DB Tree
- haveOneSelection(self: pycc_runtime.ccPythonInstance) bool
Returns True if exactly one entity is selected in the GUI DB Tree
- haveSelection(self: pycc_runtime.ccPythonInstance) bool
Returns true if at least one entity is selected in the GUI DB Tree
- loadFile(self: pycc_runtime.ccPythonInstance, filepath: str, loadParameters: pycc.FileIOFilter.LoadParameters) pycc.ccHObject
Loads the file located at the filepath.
Adds the file content of the file into the DBTree and then returns loaded object handle.
raises RuntimeError in case of error
- pickingHub(self: pycc_runtime.ccPythonInstance) pycc_runtime.ccPickingHub
Returns the picking hub
- redrawAll(self: pycc_runtime.ccPythonInstance, only2D: bool = False) None
- refreshAll(self: pycc_runtime.ccPythonInstance, only2D: bool = False) None
- removeFromDB(self: pycc_runtime.ccPythonInstance, entity: object) None
- setSelectedInDB(self: pycc_runtime.ccPythonInstance, obj: pycc.ccHObject, selected: bool) None
Set the selection state of the object in the GUI DB Tree
- updateUI(self: pycc_runtime.ccPythonInstance) None
- class pycc.ccCommandLineInterface
- class GlobalShiftOptions
- class Mode
- property name
- property value
- property customGlobalShift
- property mode
- clouds(self: pycc_runtime.ccCommandLineInterface) pycc_runtime.CLCloudDescVector
- exportEntity(self: pycc_runtime.ccCommandLineInterface, entityDesc: pycc_runtime.CLEntityDesc, suffix: QString = '', outputFilename: QString = None, options: QFlags<ccCommandLineInterface::ExportOption> = <ExportOption.???: 0>) QString
- getExportFilename(self: pycc_runtime.ccCommandLineInterface, entityDesc: pycc_runtime.CLEntityDesc, extension: QString = '', suffix: QString = '', baseOutputFilename: QString = None, forceNoTimestamp: bool = False) QString
- importFile(self: pycc_runtime.ccCommandLineInterface, filename: QString, opts: pycc_runtime.ccCommandLineInterface.GlobalShiftOptions) bool
- meshes(self: pycc_runtime.ccCommandLineInterface) pycc_runtime.CLMeshDescVector
- saveCloud(self: pycc_runtime.ccCommandLineInterface, suffix: QString = '', allAtOnce: bool = False, allAtOnceFileName: QString = None) bool
- saveMeshes(self: pycc_runtime.ccCommandLineInterface, suffix: QString = '', allAtOnce: bool = False, allAtOnceFileName: QString = None) bool
- class pycc.ccPickingHub
Point/triangle picking hub
- activeWindow(self: pycc_runtime.ccPickingHub) pycc.ccGLWindowInterface
Returns the currently active window
- addListener(self: pycc_runtime.ccPickingHub, listener: object, exclusive: bool = False, autoStartPicking: bool = True, mode: pycc.ccGLWindowInterface.PICKING_MODE = <PICKING_MODE.POINT_OR_TRIANGLE_PICKING: 6>) None
Adds a listener
- Parameters:
listener (listener to be registered) –
exclusive (prevents new listeners from registering) –
autoStartPicking (automatically enables the picking mode on the active window (if any)) –
mode (sets the picking mode (warning: may be rejected if another listener is currently registered with another mode)) –
- Raises:
RuntimeError – if failed to add listener:
- isLocked(self: pycc_runtime.ccPickingHub) bool
Returns whether the picking hub is locked (i.e. an exclusive listener is registered)
- listenerCount(self: pycc_runtime.ccPickingHub) int
Returns the number of currently registered listeners
- removeListener(self: pycc_runtime.ccPickingHub, listener: object, autoStopPickingIfLast: bool = True) None
Removes a listener
listener: listener to be removed autoStopPickingIfLast: automatically disables the picking mode on the active window (if any) if no other listener is registered
- togglePickingMode(self: pycc_runtime.ccPickingHub, state: bool) None
Manual start / stop of the picking mode on the active window
- class pycc.ccPickingListener
Point/triangle picking listener interface
import pycc class PickingListener(pycc.ccPickingListener): def __init__(self): super().__init__()
- class PickedItem
- property P3D
Picked point in 3D (if any)
- property clickPoint
Position of the user click
- property entity
Picked entity (if any)
- property entityCenter
The point doesn’t correspond to a real ‘item’ but to the entity center
- property itemIndex
e.g. point or triangle index
- property uvw
Picked point barycentric coordinates (if picked on a triangle)
- onItemPicked(self: pycc_runtime.ccPickingListener, pi: ccPickingListener::PickedItem) None
Method called whenever an item is picked